After taking his first music lessons with his father, Alireza Farhang continued his piano studies and attended the University of Teheran, where he studied composition with Alireza Machayekhi. In 2002, he decided to further his studies with Michel Merlet at the École Normale de Musique de Paris, where he obtained advanced diplomas in composition and orchestration. In 2004, Alireza began studying composition with Ivan Fedele at the CNR de Strasbourg. He follows IRCAM’s composition and computer music course as part of the European ECMCT program in Paris and Berlin. Alireza has also worked with B. Pauset, T. Hosokawa, K. Saariaho, M. Jarrell, Y.



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Alireza Farhang is a Franco-Iranian composer who lives and works in France.
Co-founder of the Ensemble Inicia! and the Association of Iranian Composers of Contemporary Music (ACIMC), his works have been performed in many countries by Ensemble
Alternance, Quatuor Arditti, Ensemble Contrechamps, Ensemble Court-circuit, Divertimento Ensemble, E-Mex Ensemble, Ensemble HANATSUmiroir, HERMESensemble, Trio K/D/M, Quatuor
Kronos, Orchestre National de Lorraine, Ensemble Matka, neuverBand Ensemble, Quartet New
Generation, Nieuw Ensemble, Ensemble Nivak, Ensemble vocal Mora Vocis, Ensemble Radial,
Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Ensemble Vertebrae, Ensemble Vertixe Sonora…
Currently a doctoral student in musical composition at the Université de Côte d’Azur and the University of Antwerp, he is pursuing his research into gesture notation in transdisciplinary works, at the Centre National de Création Musicale (CIRM) under the co-direction of François Paris, Jean-FrançoisTrubert and Kurt Vanhoutte.
Alireza Farhang took his first music lessons with his musician father. He went on to study piano with Emmanuel Melikaslanian and Raphaël Minaskanian, and attended the University of Teheran, where he took his first composition course with Alireza Machayekhi. Following his studies, he taught at Tehran University and founded his own successful music school.
In 2002, he moved to Paris to further his studies with Michel Merlet at the École normale de musique de Paris. Benefiting from the Albert Roussel Scholarship, he obtained advanced diplomas in composition and orchestration.
In 2004, he took a composition course with Ivan Fedele at the CNR in Strasbourg. Alireza has also worked with Toshio Hosokawa, Michael Jarrell, Hans Peter Kyburz, Brice Pauset, Yan Maresz, Tristan Murail, Olga Neuwirth, Kaija Saariaho and Gérard Pesson. He follows the IRCAM composition and computer music course as part of the European Course for Music Composition and Technologies (ECMCT), in partnership with the Technische Universität, the Universität der Künst and the Hochshule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin.



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(French) Alireza Farhang

Création de Éclosion (concerto pour flûte & orchestre) à l’Opéra de Nice le 19/11/2022 à 18h par l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Nice, Mario Caroli, flûte Maria Badstue, direction     En […]