Legal information


Publication manager : Jean Paul Secher
Les Editions musicales Artchipel
1, rue des Marronniers F – 77250 Villemer
SARL E.M.A. with capital of €15,000 – RCS Melun 497 589 804 00036
APE : 5920Z / TVA : FR49497589804
Téléphone : + 33 (0) 1 64 23 36 77
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Bank CIC, Agence de Clichy
RIB : 30066 10844 00010864401 35

Site editor : Agence Glanum
5, rue Martin Luther King F – 84000 Avignon
Tzav Design SARL au capital de 7.500 € – RCS Nîmes 449 762 517 00026
TVA : FR06449762517

Hosting : OVH – Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – F
SAS with capital of €10,069,020 – RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
VAT NUMBER: FR 22 424 761 419

Reservation of ownership

The sketches, photos and illustrations on this website are provided for information purposes only and are not contractually binding. Any reproduction or representation, even partial, by any means whatsoever, of the pages published on this website, and made without the written authorization of the publisher, is illegal and constitutes an infringement. Reproduction, even partial, of articles and illustrations published on the Editions Musicales Artchipel website is prohibited without prior agreement.

Privacy Policy


In the course of its business, EMA, whose head office is located at 1, rue des Marronniers 77250 Villemer, collects and processes information, some of which is referred to as “personal data”. EMA attaches great importance to the respect of privacy, and only uses data in a responsible and confidential manner and for a specific purpose.

Personal data

On the website, 2 types of data may be collected:

  • Data transmitted directly
    These data are those that you transmit to us directly, via a contact form or by direct contact by email. Mandatory fields in the contact form are SARL EMA Jean-Paul SECHER 1, rue des Marronniers 77250 Villemer                                                                                                          Contact: [email protected] / 01 64 23 36 77.
  • Automatically collected data
    During your visits, once you have given your consent, we may collect “web analytics” type information relating to your browsing, the duration of your visit, your IP address, your browser type and version. The technology used is the cookie.

Data usage

The data you send us directly will be used to contact you again and/or in connection with your request. Web analytics” data is collected anonymously (by recording anonymous IP addresses) by Google Analytics, and enables us to measure the audience of our website, consultations and possible errors in order to constantly improve the user experience. This data is used by EMA, which is responsible for data processing, and will never be transferred to a third party or used for purposes other than those detailed above.

Legal basis

Personal data is collected in the context of pre-contractual and contractual measures and sales.

Personal account data is saved in the legitimate interests of Artchipel, to provide a better browsing experience for its users.

Where necessary, personal data is only collected with the compulsory consent of the user. This consent is validly obtained (buttons and checkboxes), free, clear and unequivocal.

Storage period

Data will be saved for a maximum of 3 years of inactivity.


Here is the list of cookies used and their purpose:

  • Google Analytics cookies (exhaustive list) : [ga]
  • cookie_notice_accepted: Keeps a record of the fact that you have accepted cookies so that you won’t be bothered the next time you visit.

Your rights concerning personal data

You have the right to consult, modify or delete all your personal data. You may also withdraw your consent to the processing of your data.

Contact for the Data Protection Officer

Jean-Paul Secher – [email protected] – 01 64 23 36 77