MAZÉ Philippe
Né en 1954
Philippe Mazé began his musical training with Daniel Roth and Gabriel Looren, then continued at the École Normale de Musique de Paris, where he completed classes in composition, analysis and aesthetics.
for piano
Musique Vocale
5 Songs of Love
for a capella women's choir
6 Poèmes de Rainer Maria Rilke
for a cappella women's choir
9 Fables de La Fontaine
for voice & piano
Les Poèmes en chansons
13 choirs in 2 equal voices & piano
Les Poèmes en chansons (chœur seul)
13 choirs in 2 equal voices & piano
Philippe Mazé began his musical training with Daniel Roth and Gabriel Looren, then continued at the École Normale de Musique de Paris, where he completed classes in composition, analysis and aesthetics.
He trained as a choral conductor with Stéphane Caillat, Eric Ericson and Andrea Giorgi, and as an orchestral conductor with Henri-Claude Fantapié. At the same time, he studied singing with Annie-Béatrice Lepré and vocal technique with Richard Miller.
Philippe Mazé is currently professor of choral conducting and musical training, as well as choral conductor at the Conservatoire Claude Debussy,
Maître de Chapelle at the Eglise de la Madeleine in Paris and professor for agrégatifs at the Université de la Sorbonne Paris IV. His works are published in London by United Music Publishers, in Switzerland by Editions de la Scola Cantorum and in France by Seastar Music and Editions Musicales Artchipel.
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