Flaques de miettes

DUMONT Aurélien
Instrumental ensembles

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Texture or pointillism? Liquid or solid? Flaques de miettes is a succession of small movements, each a doomed attempt at unity, with no real beginning and no real end.
The starting point is chosen at random, and the number of movements performed is left to the conductor’s discretion, with a minimum of 10 movements. Each movement begins with a part of the previous one and continues in a different direction, forming a closed loop.
Their singularity lies in the unlikely pairing of “directional hesitation/material homogeneity”, creating a kind of wandering state prey to the doubts and evanescence of a lost or fantasized equilibrium.
Aurélien Dumont


premiere of the new version on March 20, 2018 at the Marcel Landowski auditorium of the CRR de Paris by Ensemble 2e2m, dir.: Pierre Roullier

Additional information

Dimensions36,4 × 25,7 × 1 cm