Petite Cantate

MENUT Benoît
Choeur, Baritone viola, violin, flute, organ, cello


Written in June 2017, my Petite Cantate is dedicated to the friends of the Plage musicale Festival in Bangor.
I’ve been teaching and writing there happily every summer for ten years now. Students, performers-teachers, volunteers, the public – it’s to all these friends that I dedicate this work, the choral part of which was performed by the students themselves at the premiere on the island on July 23, 2017.
Saint John’s text is a monument of spiritual writing, going far beyond dogma and bringing us together, like all great books, by highlighting these questions, this common part that unites us by nature. For the past 15 years, I’ve been setting excerpts from the Apocalypse to music. In chapter XXII, I chose verses 12 to 17 and 21, the synthesis, the sharing.
A symbol for us.
Benoît Menut

Apocalypse de Saint-Jean

(Chapter XXII – 12 to 17 and 21)

12 ecce venio cito et merces mea mecum est reddere unicuique secundum opera sua

13 ego Alpha et Omega primus et novissimus principium et finis

14 beati qui lavant stolas ut sit potestas eorum in ligno vitae et portis intrent in civitatem

15 foris canes et venefici et inpudici et homicidae et idolis servientes et omnis qui amat et facit mendacium

16 ego Iesus misi angelum meum testificari vobis haec in ecclesiis ego sum radix et genus David stella splendida et matutina

17 et Spiritus et sponsa dicunt veni et qui audit dicat veni et qui sitit veniat qui vult accipiat aquam vitae gratis

21 gratia domini nostri Iesu Christi cum omni- bus

12 Yes, says Jesus, I am coming soon. I bring with me my rewards, to render to every man according to his deeds.

13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

14 Blessed are those who wash their clothes. They will be allowed to eat of the fruit of the tree of life and to enter the gates of the city.

15 But out go the vile men, the sorcerers, the lewd, the murderers, the idol-worshippers and all those who love and practice falsehood.

16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to bear witness to these truths for the churches. I am the root of David, his descendant. I am the bright morning star

17 And the Spirit and the Bride say: Come! He who hears these words, let him say: Come! He who is thirsty, let him come. Whoever wants the water of life, let him receive it freely.

21 May the Lord Jesus extend his grace to all.








Additional information

Weight0,220 kg
Dimensions32 × 24 × 0,3 cm

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