Principes fondamentaux de Formation Musicale et leur Application

ISBN 978-2-917992-00-5


Maurice Martenot, the great French pedagogue, passed away in 1980.

But his teaching never ceased to nourish the pedagogy of Formation Musicale. In fact, the term “Formation Musicale” stems from his pedagogy, even if he would have much preferred the term “Musical Development”.

For Maurice Martenot, the teacher is first and foremost an “educator through art”.

“The teaching of artistic subjects is often the only chance left to a divided man to rediscover his deep roots, to reconcile himself with himself, body with spirit, feelings with intellect”.

This text is taken from the Fundamental Principles of Musical Training and their application.

In this way, we hope to give renewed impetus to a way of teaching Music Training that leads to “liberating, fulfilling and respecting life, while inculcating techniques”.

Additional information

Weight0,500 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 cm